Studying in Australia

Australia is one of the most famous destinations for global students all over the world. It has top-ranked universities, a well-built education system, and affordable living costs. International students who study in Australia can acquire globally recognized degrees with various post-work opportunities.

One of the Best Countries to Live & Study

Australia is ranked 2nd best country to live in the United Nations Development Program. This ranking is based on criteria such as healthcare system, education infrastructure, employment rate, etc. Australia also has 8 of the top 100 ranking universities in the entire world according to the World University Rankings.

Great Job Opportunities

Upon graduation, students in Australia manage to secure highly lucrative jobs worldwide. Moreover, after studying in Australia students are often accepted into further study options at any university across the globe.

Support Services

Australian universities provide a diverse range of support services for international students, including counseling, career advice, and academic support. This ensures that global students have all the resources they need to do well in their studies.

Excellent Facilities & Friendly Staff

Apart from the high-level education in Australia, this country also offers an incredibly friendly and welcoming environment. International students get to experience the rich Australian culture and connect with friendly natives. Moreover, they can enjoy various sporting events, music concerts, exhibitions, etc.

Why Choose Studywise?

  • We are teamed up with some of Australia’s leading institutions
  • StudyWise is one of the best study visa consultants in Lahore
  • We charge absolutely no fee for our services
  • A Registered Migration Agent will process your student visa
  • We provide flexible study options, job and accommodation assistance
  • Our study counselors will help you select the right courses and educational institutes in Australia
  • We offer honest and accurate guidance
  • We’ll also provide comprehensive assistance in completing your student visa application in Australia

Process for Applying to Australian Universities

If you’ve decided to study in Australia as an international student, you are about to begin a thrilling and life-changing journey. However, before you start, you’ll need to apply for a student visa.

Applying for an Australian student visa is quite easy, but it requires careful planning and consideration. To make sure that your student visa application for Australia is error-free, and stands maximum chances of acceptance, StudyWise is here to help you.

Our team consists of registered migration agents and student counselors who can assist every step of the way to make your dreams of studying in Australia a beautiful reality. 

Here are four easy steps that you need to follow to apply for an Australian student visa:

Step 1: Select a Course and Institute

You need to carefully research the courses and educational institutes in Australia that align with your career goals. Once you have decided, you should also assess factors like the available facilities, budget requirements, and support services offered for international students.

Step 2: Apply to the University

Next, you need to submit your application. For this, you will have to fulfill all the academic and English language requirements. For details like your application status, additional requirements, and deadlines of your selected institute, you can contact us.

Step 3: Accept Your Letter of Offer

If an Australian institute accepts your application, it will send you a letter of offer and an acceptance form. Before accepting the offer, you need to carefully read this letter and review all the conditions mentioned. Then, make sure to fulfill all these conditions so the university can issue you a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). 

Step 4: Apply for a Student Visa

The last step is to apply for your student visa (subclass 500). You can apply after providing all the essential documents, including your CoE. The Australian government may also require an interview, so be prepared for it. Once you have passed all these checkposts, arrange your accommodation and organize your Overseas Student Health Cover in Australia.

Best Cities in Australia


With its well-developed education and high quality of life, Sydney has become the most favorable study destination for international students. Whether you’re looking for academic excellence, post-work opportunities, or a chance to connect with people from around the globe, Sydney has it all.


Canberra is world-famous for its exquisite parks, exceptional museums, galleries, and iconic monuments. It’s also a significant education center with numerous highly ranked universities and research centers.


Brisbane is another top study destination in Australia for overseas students. It’s famous for its well-reputable universities, liveability, and affordability, along with friendly and welcoming locals. 

Gold Coast

Due to the Gold Coast’s ancient rainforests, friendly locals, world-class educational institutions, and welcoming atmosphere, thousands of students from around the world come here to study each year.


Adelaide is listed among the most affordable Australian cities, with the cost of living up to 12% lower than Melbourne and Sydney. It also offers easy PR pathways and excellent career prospects, making it a great place to study and live.


Melbourne is one of Australia’s most dynamic cities and has long been a sought-after study destination for both domestic and international students. It’s highly rated for its education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I have submitted my application; how long will it take to process?

On average, the student visa processing time can vary between 3 to 4 weeks. During this period, we’ll assess the status of your application and will keep you updated regarding any advancements. 

What are the work opportunities for international students?

The Australian government allows overseas students to work part-time for up to 20 hours a week. This delivers students an excellent opportunity to earn money, cover their expenses, and acquire valuable work experience.

How much gap does Australia accept for international students?

Educational institutes in Australia usually accept a study gap of 1 to 2 years. However, students are expected to demonstrate genuine reasons with reliable documents to explain their study gaps. 

I have received my offer letter; what should I do next?

Following acceptance of the letter of offer, you need to get your financial documents ready to receive a CoE. Your financial documents must show that you or your sponsor are capable of paying your tuition fee and covering overall living expenses in Australia as an international student. After getting your CoE, you can apply for an Australian student visa.

Is there any age limit for the student visa in Australia?

No. Australia has not set any upper-age restrictions for student visas. However, applicants under the age of 18 do not qualify to apply for a student visa (Subclass 500).