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Do you know what exactly shatters the dream of many students when it comes to studying in Australia? Poor financial management! Be prepared before the first warning bell rings and you find yourself struggling in a foreign country. But for your own good you can work while studying in Australia as the country

Australia has a lot to offer to talented students. Policies and laws ensure to create an environment where students can work while studying in Australia without affecting their studies and serve the purpose for which they have come so far.

The Australian Government allows students to work 40 hours per fortnight and unlimited hours during holidays. However, you must abide by the restrictions to earn some extra bucks.

Is it Easy to Find a Job in Australia as a Student?

Luckily, Australia doesn’t forbid international students from doing a part-time job. The type of job you will get depends on your skillset. Don’t expect a big role to save yourself from disappointment later on. Obviously, big roles come with enormous responsibilities and companies don’t hire part-time employees for that.

Excellent communication skills coupled with a well-designed resume increase your chances of being hired. Sharpen your computer skills if your temperament and stamina don’t comply with the jobs that require physical effort.

As Australian universities host hundreds of international students every year, the job market is getting saturated day by day. Be patient, as it might take a week or two to find a decent job.

Australian universities provide full support to students on their job hunt. They collaborate with local employers and offer several job options within the campus. Local magazines and online job advertisements are also resourceful options that one must not ignore.

What Type of Jobs do Students Get in Australia?

Study Wise consultants advise students to find a job that is relevant to their course so they get a chance to implement their knowledge in practical life.

Business, medical, and IT students might not take long to become a part of this mainstream, but some field-oriented companies like law firms don’t offer part-time jobs to students. Such students or those who fail to grab a job in their own field can apply for the following jobs:

  • Receptionist
  • Delivery Boy
  • Campus Tour Guide 
  • Library Assistant 
  • Cleaner
  • Retail Assistant
  • Admission and Clerical Work
  • Farming and Fruit Picking
  • Pet Care
  • Writer
  • Video Editor
  • Waiter 
  • Tutor

Also read: How to Get an Australian Study Visa in 2022

How Much International Students Can Earn in Australia? 

There are a number of ways by which you can work while studying in Australia. Part-time work while studying is an enormous relief, but you can’t make it your primary resource. It saves some extra money, helps to eat healthy, or pays accommodation rent. The base wage set by the Fair Work Commission is $18.93 per hour, while it’s $23.66 per casual worker.

A student can earn ranges from $200-$500 per month depending on the job they are doing.

Is there Any Employment Protection for International Students?

The Australian Government doesn’t discriminate between international students and any Australian in the workplace when it comes to employment protection. Employment protection law protects the rights of every employee, no matter what. Everyone can contact the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) if they face an issue at the workplace or fear their employment rights are in danger.

Government, private organizations, and education institutes always offer immediate help to ensure the employment rights of international students. Work while studying in Australia can be extremely helpful for reducing a student’s financial burden.

Does Study Visa Impose Any Restrictions on Finding a Job?

Once your course commences, you are eligible to apply for a part-time job. Keep the following things in mind to avoid any issue later on:

  1. Follow the 40-hours rules. You can work while studying for up to 40-hours per fortnight.
  2. Don’t forget to get a Tax File Number from the Australia Tax Office to pay your tax after getting a job
  3. Your family members also have to wait till your course commences and the 40-hour rule also applies to them.

How Study Wise Helps You?

Study Wise consultants are well-aware of Australian lifestyle, culture, and laws. They give you career advice according to your profile and recommend job portals where you can find relevant part-time jobs.


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